
FAVER’s total revenue for calendar year 2023 amounted to $13,736,339 and total expenses were $15,059,297.

FAVER’s revenues stem mostly from project specific funding based on the high-quality research proposals submitted by the researchers in our research community.

This table summarizes the statement of functional expenses as submitted to the IRS on FAVER’s “Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax Form 990.”

Statement of Functional Expenses Total Program Management
Compensation of Current Officers and Key Employees $138,291 $0 $138,291
Other Salaries and Wages 3,351,811 2,849,039 502,772
Pension Plans, Other Employee Benefits, and Payroll Taxes 487,498 357,784 129,714
Legal Fees 7,788 7,462 326
Accounting Fees 32,750 0 32,750
Other Fees 101,189 76,182 25,007
Office Expenses 111,091 103,948 7,143
Information Technology 11,400 5,301 6,099
Dues and Subscriptions 32,196 20,723 11,473
Travel 34,896 32,002 2,894
Conferences, Conventions, and Meetings 92,907 90,762 2,145
Depreciation 57,007 0 57,007
Insurance 37,907 14,872 23,035
Research Material Costs 63,460 52,090 11,370
Other Project Costs 97,278 97,278 0
Subawards 10,400,490 10,400,490 0
Other 1,338 0 1,338
Total $15,059,297 $14,107,933 $951,364

As of December 2023, FAVER had no fundraising expenses.

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